Frequently Asked Questions

-I just scheduled my reading. What happens next?-

How exciting! The night before our reading, I'll send an email with instructions on how to log onto the teleconference for our reading at the designated time. If you have chosen to receive your reading over the phone, the email will provide you with a special number to call at the time of our reading. If we are lucky enough to do the reading in person, I'll provide you with the location information via email no later than the night before our scheduled time as well. In all cases, and with your permission, the reading will be recorded and then emailed to you.

-How will my Human Design chart help me?-

So much of the struggle and pain we go through in our life is based on how we think we should be or how people think we should be. For example, our culture sends the message that something is wrong with us if we don't master our own destiny and take charge of our life. In reality, only 9% of the population is energetically designed to do that. So instead of beating ourselves up for not being what we should be, Human Design provides us with the awareness of how exactly, energetically, we are designed to interact with the world, regardless of what society tells us. We all play a specific role and if we are mired down in the wrong idea of what that role should be, we are working against ourselves and the Universal plan. Most of us are meant to relax and allow the universe to point us in the right direction. For some that is a relief and for others that is a frustration but the sooner we allow ourselves to play our specific role, the sooner the puzzle of humanity will make sense and be superbly functional. 

-What is Type, Strategy, and Authority and what do they have to do with my Chart?-

With careful review of many individual charts, patterns emerge. These patterns formed the basis of Type, Strategy, and Authority. Type is based on how your centers are specifically defined and what that means energetically for you in the broadest sense. Strategy relates to which specific motor centers are defined in your chart and how you should approach your life as a result. Authority also relates to which motors are defined in your chart and essentially tells you which defined center (hint, it's never your mind) to trust and follow when you make a decision. 

-Will the chart tell me what what I should do with my life?-

Yes, and no. Some charts can indicate certain talents that correlate nicely with certain jobs. But that doesn't mean if you're not doing that job you are on the wrong path. There are some charts that indicate the person is not really meant to work in the traditional sense. For most however, this is not an option if they want to live with adequate food and shelter! But we can certainly use the chart to strategize how best to use your particular energy and talents in a manner that works best for you, your body, your responsibilities, and your higher self. If you trust your Strategy and Authority, the right opportunities will present themselves which are correct for your energy type and the life you are living. So no, it is never simple matter of  "this is what you should be doing. Quit your job and go do that." Many times the life purpose indicated by the chart has nothing to do with a J-O-B and everything to do with our personal lives. That's entirely valid and correct in some cases.  Every chart is different.

-Will my chart predict my future?-

Not really. The south and north nodes indicate themes during those periods in your life but it's not specific. For some, their Chiron return indicates a significant shift in their life related to the theme represented by the specific gates in Chiron. The same could be said for the Saturn return. Certain channels and gates may also indicate life patterns. In all cases, there may be a general indication of a certain type of struggle at a certain time but I couldn't tell you exactly how that will play out. 

-May I schedule a full reading of my loved one's chart?-

The Human Design Chart is intensely personal. There is plenty of good in each chart but also sometimes challenges and conundrums that are frankly not someone else's business without proper consent. If you would like to pay for a reading for someone else and they are willing to have you present during their reading, I would be happy to do that. It really is their call how much they are willing to share their inner workings with you. 

Otherwise, I highly recommend a composite chart reading for your loved ones. It would be preferable for you both to be present during a composite reading to really get the most out of the information and open up a dialogue regarding how you energetically relate to one another. The reading does not go into the intense detail of a Foundation or Interpretive reading however so it would be OK to receive the reading on your own.

-Is Human Design a religion?-

Absolutely not. Human Design is simply a tool for utilizing the filter of I-Ching, Chakras, and Kabbalah to interpret our astrological chart in a new way. That is a simplified way of putting it of course but just as your astrological chart is not a religion, neither is the Human Design Chart. For me. the chart is an invaluable tool for personal awareness and insight. It is a tool, nothing else. What you decide to do with it is entirely up to you. There is no conflict when it comes to religion. For example, if you believe in God, he created the stars, time, your soul, and your body so what would be the problem with utilizing a tool to analyze and interpret these things?     

-Whoa, I just did some internet searching and it says Human Design is a cult. Is Human Design a cult?-

Not at all.

While it is true the individual who brought Human Design to us, Ra Uru Hu, developed quite the following during his life and yes, some faithfully follow his every off the cuff comment to the letter. This tool was downloaded to him, he did not invent it. More importantly, he said it was downloaded to all of us. So truly it was meant for all of us to receive and interpret in the manner that is correct for us. That is the entire point of following your Strategy and Authority. 

This is the approach to Human Design I have been trained with and it is correct for me. With great respect and admiration, my sacral does not respond to every single aspect of Ra Uru Hu's approach. So I concentrate on utilizing Human Design in a manner that resonates with me. This may or may not resonate with you. 

I had a wonderful Vedic Astrology life reading once that I found very valuable. This did not result in me handing over all my worldly possessions and living in an ashram in India for the rest of my life.      

Long story short, not unlike astrology, Human Design is not a group sport.

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