Transiting today, Tuesday, September 26, 2017 through Sunday, October 1, 2017 in beautiful Los Angeles, CA:
The Sun is in Gate 18, CORRECTION, and the Earth is in Gate 17, OPINIONS. So we intuitively know when something is off and how to tweak it in order to improve its quality. This is an opportunity for excellence. The energy of the book editor. Does it not suck the joy out of reading when we come across a typo? So frustrating. We need this energy for correction in the world to experience that specific joy of a typo free, well edited book. What's grounding us during this time also are our opinions. We are FULL of strong opinions but ironically, these are not necessarily correct opinions, they're just opinions.
Long story short, there is STRONG energy here for MANSPLAINING and yes, FEMSPLAINING. Hoo boy, do we want to tell people something about something this week!
Tread softly my friends. We will be compelled to point out flaws and offer our, hopefully intuitive, opinions on how to correct them. Being on the other end of that can feel like criticism and criticism never feels good. Be mindful of other people's feelings. Always ask them if they would be interested in your advice first. Better yet, just stop yourself entirely from indulging in this impulse with your friends and family. There is too much opportunity for hurt feelings when it feels personal. Since this energy is transiting for us all, you will probably find yourself on the other end of this as well. Be patient with your loved ones and try to maintain the perspective that it's not personal. Because it's not. Try not to be defensive. If you're able to step away from that feeling of being criticized, you just might realize the advice is actually quite stellar.
At work you have the opportunity this week to really impress with your intuitive insights on how to improve procedures. Go for it. Just make sure the timing feels correct. When you approach the topic start with "I have some ideas about [INSERT CRAPPY PROCEDURE HERE], would this be a good time to run them past you?" On the other side of that coin, If you're a manager, this is the week for an extremely productive brainstorming session. Ask your staff for their opinions about things and be prepared to color yourself impressed.
Last but not least. We all know how difficult it can be to control the urge to troll something annoying or wrong on Social Media on our best days. Be aware that this energy for CORRECTION and OPINIONS will feed into that compulsion. Be methodical in your approach to posting comments.Take a breath. Step away. Come back and if you still feel your comments would be productive, go ahead. But please try not to be part of the problem. The absolute best of intentions have the potential to be grossly misinterpreted during this time. Tone is never easy to decipher.
Above all else, be kind.