The sun has now moved to Gate 8, CONTRIBUTION. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called HOLDING TOGETHER.
This energy needs to make a CONTRIBUTION in this world. It is as simple as that.
If given the opportunity this energy will make a difference in this world. Collaboration can be the key to facilitate that opportunity. With the right people and the right energies this can be the individual circuit expression of productive change manifested.
Not having the opportunity to make a CONTRIBUTION can weigh very heavily on people who have this energy prominently defined. If their J-O-B makes them feel like a cog in a wheel that doesn’t make any difference it could very well lead to melancholy.
Here’s the thing. Whether we have this energy defined or not, most of us want to feel like we are here to make a difference. But so many of us do not give ourselves the credit for the CONTRIBUTION we are already making. Some people make a CONTRIBUTION to this world by raising their children with impeccable values. Others, make a CONTRIBUTION by fostering empathy through art. Others make a CONTRIBUTION by changing the face of technology. Others make a CONTRIBUTION by improving the quality of life for others in small ways every day. We are all different, on different paths, and all of this is valid and necessary.
With this is mind, how do you make a CONTRIBUTION? Would you say your CONTRIBUTION to this world is on balance positive or negative? What can you do to make more of a CONTRIBUTION? What does making a CONTRIBUTION mean to you? How can you CONTRIBUTE more to the well being of the people around you? If you're not getting that sense of CONTRIBUTION to the world at work, what can you do in your spare time to feel like you are making a difference? Have you considered volunteering? If it is a creative CONTRIBUTION you desire, how can you be open to those kind of opportunities?
These opportunities present themselves all the time. The trick is using your Strategy and Authority to know when to act. When we are true to our design, we are playing the role that is of most use to this world.
In this way we all have something integral to CONTRIBUTE.