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The Sun has now moved to Gate 59, SEXUALITY or INTIMACY. In the I-Ching, this hexagram is called DISPERSION.
This energy is all about connection. SEXUALITY is for sure at play here but I see it more as seeking connection. This energy wants to penetrate the auras around it, to truly experience INTIMACY. It is grasping towards the solar plexus, seeking creative INTIMACY.
This can play out as seeking physical, SEXUAL connection but can also include the desire for deep, connected friendship. This energy is not particularly comfortable with surface, shallow relationships. It craves a true, intimate bond.
What exactly does INTIMACY mean to you? What about SEXUALITY? Do you find it difficult to connect INTIMATELY with others? Or are you someone who prefers to connect with people on a deeper level? Are you uncomfortable when someone penetrates your space, even with your explicit consent? Does it depend on the person? How does your SEXUALITY play out in your life?
If you are having trouble connecting with someone you care about why not use this transit as an excuse to make an attempt to feel closer? Go deep with the people you love.