
The Sun has now traveled to Gate 42, FINISHING THINGS, COMPLETION, or CONCLUSION. In the I-Ching, this hexagram is called INCREASE.

This is the energy for, you guessed it, FINISHING THINGS. What it is not however is the energy for starting things. Tricky that. So someone with this energy defined without its counterpart, Gate 53, STARTING THINGS are better off when they respond to an existing situation where they can come in and COMPLETE the project. 

I can understand why there are multiple quotes from Neil Gaiman about FINISHING THINGS because he has the energy for STARTING THINGS but not FINISHING THINGS. No wonder it's on his mind. He has spent a lifetime trying to figure out how to FINISH THINGS. I think many of us can relate. 

Are you good at FINISHING THINGS? Are you a procrastinator? Do you have someone in your life that can swoop in and COMPLETE things for you? How does that make you feel? What narrative have you created around the concept of FINISHING THINGS? Do you see yourself as someone who never FINISHES what they start? Is that bad? Why? Who assigned that label to you? Do you feel anxiety and pressure when things aren’t FINISHED? Why? What is the worst thing that could happen if you don’t FINISH what’s on your plate right this minute? What are some jobs that you can think of where you have the opportunity to COMPLETE what has already been started?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful for an individual with the energy for STARTING THINGS to partner up with someone with the energy for FINISHING THINGS? Do you see how those puzzle pieces fit together?