

The Sun has now entered Gate 54, DRIVE or AMBITION. In I-Ching, this hexagram is called THE MARRYING MAIDEN.

People with AMBITION defined have a very potent part of the EGO Circuit in Human Design. This is the energy for doing whatever it takes to get ahead. It also has within it the aspiration to ascend to a singular vision. The MARRYING MAIDEN is known for MARRYING up, the archetypal gold digger.

What we should understand about the TRIBAL/EGO Circuit in Human Design however is that these energies stem from a need to provide for our TRIBE. So AMBITION is about getting ahead to provide for ourselves so that we can be a resource for our loved ones.

Gate 54 is also pulse energy from the root so we may find ourselves experiencing a surge of AMBITION or we may find ourselves experiencing no DRIVE at all. So obviously the time to act on our AMBITION is when that pulse energy is activated. This is also about right timing.

Is DRIVE good? Is AMBITION bad? Why? Do you admire AMBITION in others? Do you judge people who seem overly AMBITIOUS? Why? Do you admire AMBITION in yourself? Why not? What does the term gold digger mean to you? Is it OK to be AMBITIOUS for you and yours? Why not?     

How magical is it that we have access to DRIVE and AMBITION right at the beginning of the new year?

What if you allowed yourself to really meditate on naked AMBITION for you and your family during the next 5 days? What would you discover? Better yet, what would you energetically draw to yourself if given the opportunity? 

Allow yourself to create an AMBITIOUS vision for this new year.


The Sun has now moved to Gate 58, JOY. In the I-Ching this hexagram is also called JOY.

Here’s the thing. People either choose JOY or they do not and it is no different for those that have JOY defined in their charts. JOY is the theme either way. There is either JOY or lack of JOY.

Are you someone who finds the JOY in each situation? How? Is the lack of JOY in your life situational or a choice? Do you focus on what’s JOYFUL or what’s lacking? Why? When things are imperfect is it possible to figure out what’s right? Why not?

When things are good do you allow yourself the space to feel JOY?

It's the Holidays for many of us. We are hopefully with our loved ones. As such we can either focus on imperfections, such as a ruined pie or an unpleasant political discussion, or we can bask in the true JOY of being in the presence of the people we love; warts and all. Shall we decide to feel JOY then? What do you say?

I for one am wishing you and yours JOY, now and always.


The Sun has now moved into Gate 10, LOVE OF SELF or in I Ching, TREADING.

Located in the place where love resides on the chart, this energy is the LOVE of YOURSELF.

In our culture here in the United States, this can be a loaded concept. You can LOVE YOURSELF but you can't be full of yourself. "Don't get a big head," is a notion drummed into many of us at an early age.

This Gate of LOVE OF SELF is often called the BUDDHA gate. It is the embodiment of self empowerment in its best iteration. So much so, people around this energy will feel more empowered for having been in the presence of it. The highest expression of SELF LOVE is showing people, by example, how to love themselves. Isn't that marvelous?

Interesting side note. I have observed that many of my friends with this energy defined in their chart LOVE to take selfies and post them on social media. It’s wonderful to see their innate confidence and willingness to share themselves with the world. Little do they know that this embodiment of SELF LOVE is having a truly empowering affect on their audience.

The low expression of LOVE OF SELF however is playing the victim and blaming others for one’s own failings. Because anything that goes wrong could not possibly be their own fault. Another expression of SELF LOVE. This is why Gate 10 can also be lovingly referred to as the blame gate.  If you find yourself doing this, stop and ask yourself, "does this person really deserve the blame here? Am I taking responsibility for what is mine?"  

Are you never in the wrong? How? Are you someone who puts themselves first always? Do you never put yourself first? Why? Do you take care of yourself? Do you treat YOURSELF with LOVE and respect? Do you give YOURSELF the same benefit of a doubt, LOVE, and compassion you give to others? Why not?   

As for those of us who celebrate Christmas, this is an interesting week for this energy to be transiting. Hopefully by now we have finished our Holiday shopping and can shift our attention to taking better care of ourselves while spending quality time with our loved ones. As much as we are raised to be selfless this week, the universe is reminding us to put ourselves first; to put the oxygen mask on first.



The Sun has now moved to Gate 11, IDEAS. In I-Ching this hexagram is called PEACE.

So yes, this is the energy for having wonderful, brilliant, and occasionally not so fantastic IDEAS.

What is interesting about this energy however is these IDEAS are most likely not for ourselves. There is no configuration here for making these IDEAS happen. Many people with this energy defined often feel like their IDEAS are stolen by other people. This can cause feelings of betrayal and bitterness but what they are failing to realize is this is exactly how the energy of IDEAS is supposed to work. 

So much of the Human Design chart reveals how we need each other to accomplish things in this world. With this particular energy we are meant to have an IDEA and if someone else with the right configuration responds to that idea, they are meant to act on it.

So if you have this energy defined in your chart, you may have some truly spectacular IDEAS. If you want those IDEAS to go anywhere, tell your IDEAS to anyone who is open to hearing about them. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to pass the IDEA along. Be at PEACE with that.  

Are you someone who is full of scathingly brilliant IDEAS? Do these IDEAS ever pan out? Why? When someone comes to you with their IDEAS are you open to hearing about them? Why not? Do you feel like people steal your IDEAS? Is that truly the reality of the situation? Are all IDEAS created equal?

In a way, sharing your IDEAS with the right people is like casting a spell. What happens next is out of your hands.  


The Sun is now in Gate 26, THE TRICKSTER, or ACCUMULATION. In I-Ching this hexagram is called THE TAMING POWER OF THE GREAT. 

This is the energy to close the sale; the impetus to say anything, do anything to finalize the deal.

OK I'm just going to go ahead and say it. THE TRICKSTER gets a bad rap, because it can be associated with lying and deception. This is the low expression of this energy of course. On the other hand, many people with this energy are absolute champions of the truth. They intuitively know if they allow themselves to tell a white lie here or there, their grasp on the truth very well may be tenuous. So as a result they are brutally honest and downright appalled by dishonesty.

There's a happy medium here. This energy is placed in our chart for us to examine our own relationship with the truth. To master THE TRICKSTER, we must master integrity. How do we get what we need in this life without compromising our integrity?

THE TRICKSTER is tribal energy after all, so this energy actually comes from a place of providing for our loved ones. The motivation is pure. With that in mind, it's easy to rationalize a white lie here or there in order to feed our loved ones. But it is our responsibility to maintain our integrity while still providing for our loved ones.

Those of us with an undefined Solar Plexus can relate. We hate to upset people so we may skirt the truth here and there for self preservation.  

What is your relationship to the truth? Do you say what you need to say to get what you need? Is that OK? Why not? Do you tell white lies to avoid getting in trouble? Or are you someone who refuses to bend the truth under any circumstance? Is that OK? What does integrity mean to you? Is this something you need to work on or is the work done? Do the ends justify the means? Where do you draw the line?

Don’t forget that you need to love and respect yourself in the morning.  


The sun has now moved to Gate 9, FOCUS. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called THE TAMING POWER OF THE SMALL.

So this is the energy to FOCUS.

It is the power to concentrate but without its counterpart gate 52, STILLNESS, it is not necessarily the power to concentrate for long periods of time. Even so, most people with this energy tend to think about their current FOCUS while they're doing other things anyway. I call this energy for thinking about something and not being able to let it go snagging and looping.

If you let it, this snag and loop can turn into obsessive thinking. Bach Flower Remedies, most specifically Rescue Sleep is very helpful for some in battling obsessive thoughts. It doesn't sedate you, it simply helps stop the overthinking that keeps you up at night. If I had the gate of FOCUS and found myself fixating on a certain thought, I wouldn't hesitate to use it during the day.

That said, there is something wonderful about being able to FOCUS on something without distraction. In its highest frequency, the energy of FOCUS is a gift.

What is it in your life that needs your FOCUS right now? What are you FOCUSING on instead? Is it productive or a distraction? Why? Does it drive you crazy when someone is so FOCUSED they cannot hear you talking to them? Is that their fault? Do you ever struggle with obsessive thinking? What can you do to help quiet your mind?

People with this energy may find meditating extremely easy due to their master powers of FOCUS or extremely difficult because they are too FOCUSED on other things. Either way, it couldn’t hurt to try practicing stillness.


The Sun has now moved to Gate 34, POWER. In I-Ching this is called POWER OF THE GREAT.

This represents a POWERFUL surge of energy in response.  

People with this energy defined in their chart are busy, multi-tasking, POWER houses of energy who need to do more than one thing at a time regardless of what society tells them. Meaning it is not unusual for someone with this energy defined to have multiple jobs. They are told over and over to focus on one thing to be successful which may make them second guess their tendencies. But deep down they know they are actually more successful and definitely more energized when they have more than one job title.

Of course strategy is an important piece of this puzzle. The compulsion to take on more and more in order to stay busy may result in someone with this energy burning their excess POWER out on tasks that do not energize them. This is energy, or POWER, in response to the right tasks.

All bets are off when the POWER has been burned out. Which can often be the case if someone has lived a lifetime of pushing their POWER instead of waiting to respond with their POWER. The not self theme of Gate 34 is POWERLESSNESS. Gate 34 is an integral part of the incarnation cross of the SLEEPING PHOENIX after all.

Consider this, if you are burned out the universe will actually withhold opportunities from you out of concern for your well being.

Are you overwhelmed by your busy schedule? When you get home do you want do something fun and creative or do you just want sit on the couch, watch mindless television, and go to sleep? How can you be more selective about about the things you take on in your life? Are they in fact your responsibility? How can you be sure about adding that next big project to everything else you are juggling? How can you simplify your schedule so that you only direct your energy towards things that give you energy? What can you do right now to start taking care of yourself well enough so that the right opportunities are once again energetically drawn to you; so that you can even recognize what feels right?

Do you feel POWERLESS? Why? Does that sense of POWERLESSNESS result in you giving up on the things that are important to you? Why? Do you feel perpetually bullied? Why? What can you do today to feel more solid and POWERFUL in this world? Do you feel POWERFUL? How does your POWERFUL presence affect the people around you? Do they push back or seem overwhelmed? Are you paying attention to the affect you have on others? Is this your problem? Are you pushing to prove your POWER to others?

POWER in response is the opposite of OVERPOWERING. POWER in response is a welcome and necessary thing in this world. Right now, more than ever we need the SLEEPING PHOENIX to wake up and claim their POWER.


The Sun has now moved to Gate 14, POWER SKILLS or PROSPERITY. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called POSSESSION IN GREAT MEASURE.

This is the energy for utilizing your skills to work for the abundance you need in life. This is not blind faith that money will be drawn to you energetically. That is in other parts of the chart. This particular energy is the SKILL and capacity to do what you need to do to be comfortable. To be clear though, it works best in response to the opportunity to work. 

Whenever I see this defined in someone's chart I know they are probably doing OK financially. They typically, consistently have the capacity to work for money in their life. This energy comes directly from the center of workforce energy after all. 

Gate 14 is a wonderful blessing, but it can sometimes result in someone being financially successful at a J-O-B they do not particularly like. There lies the rub. What is important to note however is they would most likely do OK financially in whatever line of work they chose. But if they enter into opportunities correctly, with the right Strategy and Authority according to Type they will most likely feel more fulfilled by their work.   

Are you someone who generally figures out a way to get your hands on the money you need to pay your bills? Or are you someone who struggles to keep the lights on every month? Why? Do you sometimes wonder if you could find a more fulfilling way to make money? What would that look like? Are you someone who insists on being fulfilled whether the lights are on or not? Or is it that you don’t have the energy for a regular J-O-B? What gives you energy? What doesn’t?

How can you take care of business?     


The Sun has now moved to Gate 43, INSIGHT. In the I-Ching, this hexagram is called BREAKTHROUGH.

INSIGHT is about working things out in one’s head to see things in new, INSIGHTFUL ways.

Human Design teaches us that having a brilliant thought in your head and acting on it rarely turns out well. But sharing and discussing that special INSIGHT when the timing is correct may allow others to respond to the INSIGHT and act on it in an energetically sublime way. 

Be careful though, expressing these INSIGHTS hinge entirely on correct timing. This is part of the channel lovingly referred to as Genius to Freak which actually helps illustrate the importance of timing. Blabbing your INSIGHTS without invitation will often result in resistance in other people. As with all projected energy, if you wait for an invitation your INSIGHT may be received by others as a stroke of genius! Simply asking, "I may have some INSIGHT to share, would you like to hear about it," will change the dynamic of the conversation entirely.

The gate of INSIGHT is understandably one of the ALONE gates. It contains the energy to be lost in our own thoughts. Time alone is essential because you need to concentrate to make that BREAKTHROUGH. But let's face it, people who are in their head are not the greatest listeners.

Are you someone who tends to have your head in the clouds? Do the people in your life complain about you not listening to them? Do you find yourself seeking time alone to work out your thoughts? Does it drive you crazy when you feel alone with someone who is lost in their head? When that person who is lost in their head turns to you and says something outlandish do you consider what is surely a gem of INSIGHT contained within it? Would you consider allowing this person time alone with their thoughts to work things out more clearly? Is it possible to not take that personally?

Rejection is hard for anyone. INSIGHT and BREAKTHROUGH are fragile things that can be shot down rather easily. Be patient and kind to yourself and to others in our pursuit of the BREAKTHROUGH.


The Sun has now moved to Gate 1, SELF-EXPRESSION. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called THE CREATIVE.

The need for SELF-EXPRESSION is no joke. The people I know who have this energy defined are truly at a loss when they are not EXPRESSING themselves. When I say at a loss, I mean they feel heavy, burdened, and sad. For many, this need for SELF-EXPRESSION can specifically mean a CREATIVE CONTRIBUTION. Not surprising really since the other half of this channel is just that, the energy for making a CONTRIBUTION to this world.

But seriously, if you have the Gate of SELF-EXPRESSION defined, especially by the Sun you must strive to always have a satisfying outlet for CREATIVE SELF-EXPRESSION. If this element is missing from your life it can weigh heavily on your soul.

To be clear, this doesn’t have to be your J-O-B. It certainly doesn’t need to be your identity. According to science, hobbies make you happy, especially if they provide that oh so necessary creative outlet.

How important is SELF-EXPRESSION to you? Do you see how important it is to the people around you? Do you regularly EXPRESS yourself in CREATIVE ways? Why not? When was the last time you EXPRESSED your soul to the world? Does that question tug at your heart or turn you off entirely? Do your children have a creative outlet? If so, do you see how it benefits them? Why wouldn’t it benefit you if you had something similar in your life? When was the last time you drew a picture, invented a strikingly beautiful and delicious recipe, danced, told a story, decorated your house, or wrote a song?

How do you EXPRESS yourself?


The sun has now moved to Gate 44, PRESENTATION. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called COMING TO MEET.

This is the energy for PRESENTING the lessons we have learned from the past. To PRESENT the case for why repeating the past would be best or why we must avoid the mistakes of the past. This is energy from the spleen which can also feel like downright fear of the past or even an obsession with the past. In reaction to this fear, there could be a tendency to gloss over the past and make it seem overly idealistic. Or not.

This idealistic bent is also expressed by making things nice. Appearances are very important to people with this energy. The expression of this energy is often the host with the most. They desire to make things beautiful, comfortable, and pleasant for themselves and others. They will often have an intuitive, very tasteful eye for design. For them a beautiful home that looks nice and smells nice is necessary to feel good.

Speaking of smell, the intuition expressed by this energy is stimulated by smell. Folks with this energy can literally smell when something is off. The expression “I smell a rat,” is apt for the energy of PRESENTATION.

PRESENTATION is also part of the energy for closing the deal with its partner Gate 26, THE TRICKSTER. It is COMING TO MEET a client. Gate 44 is energy to make a client feel welcome and pampered so that Gate 26 can swoop in and close the deal. PRESENTATION embodies the wining and dining part of the deal.

What can the past teach us right now? Can we look to the past to know what works and doesn’t work? Were the good old days in fact good? What did we do right back then and what did we do wrong? Do you tend to gloss things over in your memory? Or do you refuse to remember or face the past? Do you paint a darker picture of the past? Is it possible to accurately recall the past without bias?

Is the appearance of things important to you? Do you try to make things appear better than they are? Why? Do you go out of your way to make guests feel comfortable and impressed with your home? Is that good? Is that bad? Is your home a reflection of your inner psyche for better or for worse? What comes first, a well ordered home or a well ordered psyche? Is it possible one can facilitate the other?

Is there such a thing as faking it until you make it when it comes to PRESENTING our best self?


The Sun has now moved to Gate 46, LOVE OF THE BODY. In the IChing, this hexagram is called PUSHING UPWARD.

This is the energy for expressing LOVE through the BODY. The person with this energy defined doesn’t quite feel right unless they are connected to their BODY in a hopefully healthy way. Many athletes and dancers have this energy defined. This is someone who needs to be ‘in’ their BODY. If that connection isn’t happening, they will feel rootless and undefined. The BODY will do what is necessary to get the attention it deserves.

Even spirituality comes from within the flesh, through the LOVE OF THE BODY. A connection to source is possible by PUSHING UPWARD through the flow of the BODY. With this definition, the BODY is the expression of the soul.

Do you LOVE your BODY? How does that question make you feel? Do you struggle to feel actual LOVE for your BODY? Why? Why not? Are you connected to your BODY? What does exercise feel like to your BODY? Does it make you feel more connected to your BODY or less connected? Why? Is it not true that your BODY knows what it needs? Do you give your BODY what it needs? Do you withhold things from your BODY? Why? Do you pamper your BODY? Why not? Does your BODY deserve to be pampered? Does your BODY deserve LOVE? Does your BODY need physical connection to others? Is that OK? If you don’t LOVE your BODY how can you physically express LOVE to someone else?

This is a great time to experiment with LOVING your BODY. Put some music on and throw your BODY a dance party. Take a decadent bubble bath. Get into your BODY. Marinate in your BODY. Feel every inch of your BODY and assess its needs.

What is your BODY trying to tell you?


The sun has now moved to Gate 6, FRICTION or CONFLICT RESOLUTION. In the IChing, this hexagram is called CONFLICT.

This is the energy for the FRICTION that is necessary for emotional and creative growth. It is the impetus for a penetrating connection to others. It is also the energy for war or peace. FRICTION is tribal energy that will fight for its people and its resources.

Chetan Parkyn has an interesting take on this energy as the ultimate arbiter or diplomat; the impetus for CONFLICT RESOLUTION. Because despite this position of absolute defense of its people and resources, it also has built in an awareness of the merits of a CONFLICT.

Waiting for clarity is of course very important for this. FRICTION comes from an emotional place but with clarity the right course of action will reveal itself for the best outcome. But FRICTION has growth built into the mix after all. So in order to find the right solution, there has to be a certain amount of FRICTION to stimulate growth for all parties.

This is aura busting energy that can feel like a lot to other people. People with this energy may find others reacting to their presence with anger or affection. It stimulates something within us all. The presence of this energy penetrates us and we feel what this person feels. Whether our solar plexus is defined or not.

Do you avoid FRICTION or CONFLICT? Do you welcome it? Why? When is it worth it to embrace CONFLICT? Does it mean you really care? How can you feel close to someone else if you refuse to experience CONFLICT? Where is that sweet spot between too much CONFLICT or too little CONFLICT for growth? Does it exist? Are you willing to FIGHT for your tribe? Why?

Whether this energy rubs us the wrong way or the right way. We certainly feel something.


The sun has now moved to Gate 47, REALIZATION or EPIPHANY. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called OPPRESSION.

As the other end of the channel to Gate 64, CONFUSION, this energy very much plays into that process of making sense out of what was once CONFUSING. It is about trusting and knowing that the EPIPHANY will happen when it needs to happen; that we will REALIZE what it all means.

It is often nicknamed the MINDSET gate. Because it is easy over time to feel like the CONFUSION will never pass. The harder one works at understanding what has been downloaded, the less likely there will be a REALIZATION. So it follows it will never happen. If you don’t think it will happen, it won’t.

This negative MINDSET can be very OPPRESSIVE to the process of allowing the REALIZATION to happen organically.

The lesson here is to trust that if we are meant to understand, the REALIZATION will happen when the timing is right. Trusting in the universe is key. Believing in the process is key. Believing that things will work out for the best is key.

Because this energy in its lowest expression may also find itself in the habit of having a negative MINDSET about all things. This negative attitude will OPPRESS every aspect of their life. But the other side of this coin is very much the other side of this expression. There is potential here for having the gift of living life with great Optimism. One simply has to decide to have the right MINDSET.

How do you stay positive even when things feel hard? Do you sometimes find yourself falling into a pattern of negativity and hopelessness? Why? How do you maintain the right MINDSET to live your life with a sense of hope and optimism? Do you hate it when people are self defeatist and negative? Why? Do you trust in the universe that things will work out for you? Why not? Does one bad experience mean all experiences will be bad? Is that true?

Trust in the Universe. Trust in yourself.


Adinkra: Commitment Perseverance. "I shall marry you."

Today the Sun has moved into Gate 29, PERSEVERANCE or COMMITMENT. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called THE ABYSMAL. 

This is the energy for fully COMMITTING and sticking to things for better or worse. The full channel (meaning this gate and the opposite gate defined) is often described as "succeeding where others fail." This is simply due to straight up PERSEVERANCE. People with this energy don't give up, or not.

As with all energies it goes both ways but PERSEVERANCE is the theme regardless. The rebellious sort may refuse to COMMIT to anything because deep down they know it will be very difficult to walk away.

The other side of this coin is over COMMITTING. Gate 29 is sometimes lovingly called "the gate of YES." It has a hard time saying no to people. Once folks catch on to this personality trait in someone with this definition, they will tend to take advantage. If unchecked, a person with this energy could over COMMIT themselves into poor health.

But COMMITMENT and PERSEVERANCE are wonderful qualities. This is also considered to be one of the marriage gates. You can see why. The true expression of this energy is not afraid to COMMIT.

So I invite you to take this opportunity to meditate on how exactly COMMITMENT and PERSEVERANCE play out in your life. Do you avoid COMMITMENT? Why? Do you tend to say YES way too much and over extend yourself? How can you hold yourself responsible for establishing boundaries? Are you the type to PERSEVERE no matter what? If not, is that a bad thing? What will it take for you to stick to your COMMITMENTS?

Like all energies, too much or too little leads to imbalance. Use your AUTHORITY to be sure you are saying YES to COMMITMENTS that are correct for you.   


The Sun has now moved into Gate 7, SELF-IN INTERACTION or LEADERSHIP SUPPORT. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called THE ARMY. 

The energy of Gate 7 is all about supporting democratic LEADERSHIP. It can get itself into trouble if this energy attempts to take the LEAD itself. It's understandable really because this energy instinctively knows what it takes to be a LEADER but energetically it is simply a non starter. Put this energy behind a true LEADER however and watch them as a team take over the world!

In a true democracy LEADERSHIP absolutely needs support to be effective. Without that support, without its ARMY, it is utterly powerless. What a wonderful gift to be the fuel for excellent LEADERSHIP. To intuitively know and recognize the soul of a true leader and have the tools in your toolbox to help them succeed.  

I invite you to consider your role in this exchange. Are your democratic LEADERS flourishing or floundering? What if you stepped in to help and SUPPORT them? Do they deserve that SUPPORT? Are you a democratic LEADER in need of SUPPORT? How can you effectively hone yourself and your message so that people recognize your potential and join your ARMY?

This week in particular is a wonderful time to experiment with taking that first step towards actually putting yourself out there to physically SUPPORT a LEADER you believe in.

If it feels right, be the SUPPORT we all need for a better tomorrow.


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The sun has now moved into Gate 33, PRIVACY. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called RETREAT. 

PRIVACY is the energy for holding on to the stories of the past and sharing them when the timing is right. This is the energy of the HISTORIAN.

Now some people with this energy defined may hold on to their own past in an unhealthy way. Repeating the same story over an over, making it their identity and holding on to resentments. But the lesson here is forgiveness; understanding the story is sacred and true and then letting it go when the timing is right.  

This can also be a lonely energy, for RETREAT is necessary at times to truly process the story and understand when it needs to be shared. It is an energy that is focused not only on its own story, but also the sacred stories of others that need to be shared for the lesson contained for us all.

 The HISTORIAN recognizes that the past is the key to understanding the present.

What are you holding on to that has already taught you the lesson to be learned? Is it possible to let it go now? If you have not processed the lesson, what can you do to fully address your story and forgive? Does it need to be shared to be released? Or is it possibly now time to stop rehashing it and reliving it? 

Our stories are what make us human. We all have one, two, or three of our own. But who would we be without our experience thus far? Is this wisdom not a blessing?

What is it that we need to know from that past that will inform and enrich the present? What is happening now that will need to be remembered tomorrow?



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The Sun has now moved into Gate 35, CHANGE, APTITUDE, or EXPERIENCE. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called PROGRESS. 

This is the a very capable energy based in experience. It has been there, done that. So much so, the energy can easily go to a place of boredom or a lack of enthusiasm. An interesting and possibly logical transition from the energy of ENTHUSIASM prior to this transit. 

The person with this energy really can handle any challenge that comes their way. Over time and with enough experience, a natural confidence in their own capability is the result. This comes from gathering experiences. CHANGE is to be expected for someone with this energy defined. Or not. 

This energy can also play out as a deep reluctance to experience boredom. So those experiences can become more and more extreme as a result. But fighting boredom is not really the point. Sure this energy craves CHANGE but It is truly about the wisdom one derives from a lifetime of experiences. It is about approaching life as an adventure and embracing CHANGE, not scrambling for the next new thing just to avoid boredom. 

How do you generally handle CHANGE in your life? Does it freak you out? Does it give you a spark of excitement? Do you actually create CHANGE to avoid boredom? Why? Is it possible to consider that you have the capacity to handle anything that comes your way? Do you believe that?  

Sometimes the only way to know for sure is to let go and allow yourself to have a new experience. You just might find out how very capable you are.   


The Sun has now moved into Gate 20, METAMORPHOSIS, ANTICIPATION, THE NOW, PATIENCE, or CHARISMA. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called CONTEMPLATION.

As you can see, there are a lot of keynotes and interpretations of this energy with good reason. METAMORPHOSIS is complicated.

This is the energy for having an awareness of THE NOW. It is also the energy for doing the right thing even when other people are not. It is about integrity.

My teacher Karen Curry Parker calls METAMORPHOSIS "intuitive awareness to right action." GATE 20 is the physical expression of the Integration Circuit. Which may or may not look like what other people are doing. This is as it should be.

But METAMORPHOSIS is also the energy for intuitively recognizing the skills of others and having that special ability of bringing the right people together at the right time for the right cause.

So yes, there is a lot going on here which makes perfect sense. It is part of the Channel of CHARISMA which is a very busy channel. In the right combination this is part of the archetype of the Manifesting Generator. 

Bob Dylan and Ralph Waldo Emerson both have METAMORPHOSIS defined by the sun at the time of their birth. Can you see how they were both able to have an awareness of the beauty in this world as well as an acute awareness of where there was absence of beauty; how each were also compelled to express their innate integrity within their observations?

Do you live your life with integrity? Do you have a solid sense of what is right and what is wrong? Do you just intuitively know? Why not? How can you be more focused on right action? What is right action? If this sensibility comes easily to you, are you acting on this awareness of right action or are you just playing the observer? What can you do now to bring the right people together to act on this sense of integrity? Should you? 

Are you continually focused on the past or the future? If all we can concentrate on is the future or the past how can we be present for our loved ones now or even have an awareness of the beauty of the present? Do you live your life in THE NOW? Why not? What can you do to be more present in your life right NOW?

“The contemplation of beauty causes the soul to grow wings.” Plato 

For those of us with this energy prominently defined in our charts, if we can just stop, take a breath, and take in the beauty of what is NOW, we have the opportunity to METAMORPHOSIS into the people of integrity that we are meant to embody in this lifetime.


Gate 2 b.jpg

The sun has now moved into Gate 2, KEEPER OF THE KEYS, RECEPTIVITY, or ALLOWING. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called THE RECEPTIVE.

You can see where this is going. This is the energy for receiving resources. It is not necessarily the energy for creating resources. Of course there is a high expression of RECEIVING SUPPORT and a low expression. Meaning one can hold on to what they get or spend it recklessly. But in general, someone who has this energy defined at the time of their birth will RECEIVE the SUPPORT they need. How they manage that SUPPORT is another thing altogether. The high expression of this is managing resources RECEIVED to make a substantive contribution in this world.

I'm a bit tempted to say something off the cuff and lighthearted about sugar babies. But I hesitate to infantilize anyone with this energy. Because a person with this energy defined in their chart has the potential to utilize their propensity for receiving support in a powerfully positive way. Or not.

Do you readily accept SUPPORT? Is that bad? Do you trust in your own ability to gather resources? If not, why? How can you better appreciate the weight of this SUPPORT in your life, the blessing really, and feel more gratitude?

When it comes down to it, isn't this energy for being RECEPTIVE to SUPPORT also a glorious example of self worth? Wouldn't we all love to have the energy to accept help in a gracious way because deep down we know we deserve it? 

Do you have trouble RECEIVING SUPPORT? Does it make you feel uncomfortable? Why? Is it that you don't believe you deserve it? Do you think there is something wrong with RECEIVING SUPPORT? Why? How can you allow yourself to trust the offer of SUPPORT in your life?

Here is the thing; when you accept SUPPORT a closer bond is formed. It makes both parties feel closer to one another. The people who love you want to contribute and help in any way they can. They want to feel important to your life. It is a humbling and empowering experience all at once to let go and RECEIVE SUPPORT.   

We all have our own path. Some of us are meant to RECEIVE SUPPORT in this lifetime. This is right and true. If you are THE KEEPER OF THE KEYS, be grateful. 

Make the most of this opportunity to be a force for good.