Adinkra: Commitment Perseverance. "I shall marry you."
Today the Sun has moved into Gate 29, PERSEVERANCE or COMMITMENT. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called THE ABYSMAL.
This is the energy for fully COMMITTING and sticking to things for better or worse. The full channel (meaning this gate and the opposite gate defined) is often described as "succeeding where others fail." This is simply due to straight up PERSEVERANCE. People with this energy don't give up, or not.
As with all energies it goes both ways but PERSEVERANCE is the theme regardless. The rebellious sort may refuse to COMMIT to anything because deep down they know it will be very difficult to walk away.
The other side of this coin is over COMMITTING. Gate 29 is sometimes lovingly called "the gate of YES." It has a hard time saying no to people. Once folks catch on to this personality trait in someone with this definition, they will tend to take advantage. If unchecked, a person with this energy could over COMMIT themselves into poor health.
But COMMITMENT and PERSEVERANCE are wonderful qualities. This is also considered to be one of the marriage gates. You can see why. The true expression of this energy is not afraid to COMMIT.
So I invite you to take this opportunity to meditate on how exactly COMMITMENT and PERSEVERANCE play out in your life. Do you avoid COMMITMENT? Why? Do you tend to say YES way too much and over extend yourself? How can you hold yourself responsible for establishing boundaries? Are you the type to PERSEVERE no matter what? If not, is that a bad thing? What will it take for you to stick to your COMMITMENTS?
Like all energies, too much or too little leads to imbalance. Use your AUTHORITY to be sure you are saying YES to COMMITMENTS that are correct for you.