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The Sun has now moved into Gate 35, CHANGE, APTITUDE, or EXPERIENCE. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called PROGRESS.
This is the a very capable energy based in experience. It has been there, done that. So much so, the energy can easily go to a place of boredom or a lack of enthusiasm. An interesting and possibly logical transition from the energy of ENTHUSIASM prior to this transit.
The person with this energy really can handle any challenge that comes their way. Over time and with enough experience, a natural confidence in their own capability is the result. This comes from gathering experiences. CHANGE is to be expected for someone with this energy defined. Or not.
This energy can also play out as a deep reluctance to experience boredom. So those experiences can become more and more extreme as a result. But fighting boredom is not really the point. Sure this energy craves CHANGE but It is truly about the wisdom one derives from a lifetime of experiences. It is about approaching life as an adventure and embracing CHANGE, not scrambling for the next new thing just to avoid boredom.
How do you generally handle CHANGE in your life? Does it freak you out? Does it give you a spark of excitement? Do you actually create CHANGE to avoid boredom? Why? Is it possible to consider that you have the capacity to handle anything that comes your way? Do you believe that?
Sometimes the only way to know for sure is to let go and allow yourself to have a new experience. You just might find out how very capable you are.