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The Sun has now moved to Gate 23, EXPLANATION, ASSIMILATION, or TRANSMISSION. In the I-Ching, this hexagram is called SPLITTING APART.

This is the energy for breaking down very complex ideas and concepts into digestible pieces that are easier to understand. It is SPLITTING APART what could be an overwhelming concept into understandable pieces. This is a process of course. It is as much an internal process of understanding the grand inspiration as it is a method for communicating it.

Be careful though. Right timing is everything. This is part of what is lovingly called the GENIUS TO FREAK channel. You can either come off as a freak or a genius depending on when you communicate. It is just as much about waiting until you have broken it down in an understandable way for yourself as it is waiting until other people are ready to hear it.

People with this energy can be a bit lost in their head which is understandable. They are generally not particularly good listeners. Frustrating for the people around them but certainly not personal. You'd be lost in your head too if you were solving the puzzle of how to break down enormous concepts for the benefit of humanity.

How would you rate your listening skills? Do you have the ability to get out of your own head and really listen to people? Or is this a challenge for you? Do you have a tendency to think out loud before the thought has truly baked? Are you waiting to see if people are open to hearing from you? How can you do a better job of stopping to really listen to what they have to say first?  

Take the time to think it fully through and then use your gift to help others understand.


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The sun has now moved into Gate 2, KEEPER OF THE KEYS, RECEPTIVITY, or ALLOWING. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called THE RECEPTIVE.

You can see where this is going. This is the energy for receiving resources. It is not necessarily the energy for creating resources. Of course there is a high expression of RECEIVING SUPPORT and a low expression. Meaning one can hold on to what they get or spend it recklessly. But in general, someone who has this energy defined at the time of their birth will RECEIVE the SUPPORT they need. How they manage that SUPPORT is another thing altogether. The high expression of this is managing resources RECEIVED to make a substantive contribution in this world.

I'm a bit tempted to say something off the cuff and lighthearted about sugar babies. But I hesitate to infantilize anyone with this energy. Because a person with this energy defined in their chart has the potential to utilize their propensity for receiving support in a powerfully positive way. Or not.

Do you readily accept SUPPORT? Is that bad? Do you trust in your own ability to gather resources? If not, why? How can you better appreciate the weight of this SUPPORT in your life, the blessing really, and feel more gratitude?

When it comes down to it, isn't this energy for being RECEPTIVE to SUPPORT also a glorious example of self worth? Wouldn't we all love to have the energy to accept help in a gracious way because deep down we know we deserve it? 

Do you have trouble RECEIVING SUPPORT? Does it make you feel uncomfortable? Why? Is it that you don't believe you deserve it? Do you think there is something wrong with RECEIVING SUPPORT? Why? How can you allow yourself to trust the offer of SUPPORT in your life?

Here is the thing; when you accept SUPPORT a closer bond is formed. It makes both parties feel closer to one another. The people who love you want to contribute and help in any way they can. They want to feel important to your life. It is a humbling and empowering experience all at once to let go and RECEIVE SUPPORT.   

We all have our own path. Some of us are meant to RECEIVE SUPPORT in this lifetime. This is right and true. If you are THE KEEPER OF THE KEYS, be grateful. 

Make the most of this opportunity to be a force for good.


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The sun has now moved into Gate 24, RATIONALIZATION or BLESSINGS. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called RETURNING.

This is the energy for RATIONALIZING what has been, what is, and what will be. It's about making the best of a situation and seeing the BLESSING in it. But also it is RETURNING to a problem over and over until it is tweaked in a manner that is acceptable. Now of course there is the potential for the shadow side of this which is RATIONALIZING the bad behavior of our loved ones and RATIONALIZING why we don’t deserve better.  Or worse, RATIONALIZING our own bad behavior.

This energy is part of the KNOWING circuit so there is a knowingness at play here that is not based on evidence. But the trick is recognizing what is a positive RATIONALIZATION that moves invention forward versus RATIONALIZING what isn't working.

Do you have an amazing ability to look at the bright side, no matter what? Are small RATIONALIZATIONS helpful along the way? How can you understand and support the behavior of the people in your life without encouraging them to misbehave? Do you make the best of a situation and focus on the positive? Is that good? Is that bad? Do you make excuses for your behavior? Do you make excuses for other people’s behavior? Is it OK to have an awareness of the underlying meaning of behavior and maintain healthy boundaries anyway? Is understanding why people behave the way they do a kindness?

To focus on what is right rather than what is wrong is a gift. Be grateful if you can and take care of yourself.  



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The Sun has now moved to Gate 27, RESPONSIBILITY, NOURISHING, or ACCOUNTABILITY. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called NOURISHMENT. 

This is the energy for transmitting values and NOURISHMENT to the tribe. The classic example of this energy is the Mama Bear who takes care of her family, often at great cost to her own well being. It can easily turn into co-dependent energy that takes enormous RESPONSIBILITY for everyone and everything.

People with NOURISHING defined in their chart are often wonderful cooks who quite literally find joy in feeding and NOURISHING their loved ones.

The highest expression of this energy however is altruism while still maintaining a healthy sense of self preservation; easier said than done. Taking RESPONSIBILITY for one’s own actions in a manner that is NOURISHING to all.

Do you feel RESPONSIBLE for the people in your life? Are your actions helping or hindering the well being of the people around you? How much do you self-sacrifice for your loved ones? Are you someone who puts others before yourself? Is it possible to find more balance? An important part of imparting values includes teaching others to take RESPONSIBILITY for themselves. Can you see how doing everything for others may fall short of that goal? Are you someone who is more independent and less inclined to take responsibility for others? How can you find ways to be more NOURISHING to our loved ones on a regular basis? Is there something you could do this week to demonstrate how very much you care?    

How can you take RESPONSIBILITY for yourself and others in a balanced way?      


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The Sun now moves into Gate 3, INNOVATION, or ORDERING. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called DIFFICULTY AT THE BEGINNING.

This energy is all about shifting away from the status quo and finding a better way to do things. A more rebellious take on the energy is to refuse to participate in the status quo at all and create chaos. Ultimately, someone who has this defined needs to feel they are part of something INNOVATIVE. They thrive in situations where they are doing something brand new, the stranger the better. 

So it follows when someone is behaving in innovative ways they will experience DIFFICULTY AT THE BEGINNING. Change is hard and it is often met with resistance. So if this energy is defined in your chart, understand that choosing the new way to do something will mean it is also the DIFFICULT way, especially at first.

In Human Design we often say if you are experiencing resistance, it is a sign you are not following your strategy and authority. But if you are a walking agent for INNOVATION, odds are you will experience DIFFICULTY AT THE BEGINNING even when you are on the right path. Don't be dissuaded by the DIFFICULTY. It is part of the process and the cost frankly for INNOVATION.

Does INNOVATION scare you or excite you? Why? Do you hate when things are always done the same way over and over? Why? What is working and what is not working in your life? How can you approach things differently? Are you sure that thing you do in the same way every day is the best way? Is there room for improvement? Isn’t there always room for improvement? Wouldn't it be great to discover a completely different approach that works even better? Would a fresh perspective be so bad?

We really must support the energy for INNOVATION. It is the way forward.

Even if it does feel a little weird.



The Sun has now traveled to Gate 42, FINISHING THINGS, COMPLETION, or CONCLUSION. In the I-Ching, this hexagram is called INCREASE.

This is the energy for, you guessed it, FINISHING THINGS. What it is not however is the energy for starting things. Tricky that. So someone with this energy defined without its counterpart, Gate 53, STARTING THINGS are better off when they respond to an existing situation where they can come in and COMPLETE the project. 

I can understand why there are multiple quotes from Neil Gaiman about FINISHING THINGS because he has the energy for STARTING THINGS but not FINISHING THINGS. No wonder it's on his mind. He has spent a lifetime trying to figure out how to FINISH THINGS. I think many of us can relate. 

Are you good at FINISHING THINGS? Are you a procrastinator? Do you have someone in your life that can swoop in and COMPLETE things for you? How does that make you feel? What narrative have you created around the concept of FINISHING THINGS? Do you see yourself as someone who never FINISHES what they start? Is that bad? Why? Who assigned that label to you? Do you feel anxiety and pressure when things aren’t FINISHED? Why? What is the worst thing that could happen if you don’t FINISH what’s on your plate right this minute? What are some jobs that you can think of where you have the opportunity to COMPLETE what has already been started?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful for an individual with the energy for STARTING THINGS to partner up with someone with the energy for FINISHING THINGS? Do you see how those puzzle pieces fit together?



The sun has now moved into Gate 51, SHOCK, INITIATION or AROUSING. In the I-Ching this hexagram is also called THE AROUSING.

This is the energy of the shaman who goes through a difficult trial to SHOCK themselves into a spiritual awakening. Because ultimately it is about attaining spiritual wisdom. 

Now if someone with this definition is not expressing any interest in spirit in their life, SHOCKING experiences may become a repeating theme until they are forced into that spiritual awakening.

On the lighter side, many people with this energy defined like to be a little shocking. They enjoy it. This is also highly competitive energy which can be experienced by others being competitive with them or being competitive themselves. 

Bette Davis was defined by the Sun in Gate 51 and she embodied the energy of SHOCKING people with her bold choices. Plus her competitive spirit was legendary. I find it impossible to not also mention that Joan Crawford was defined by Mercury in Gate 51 as well.         

What do you find SHOCKING? Do you love or hate a surprise? Are you a practical joker? Are you competitive? Or does the idea of competition make you want to hide in a corner? Is that bad? Do you have someone in your life that loves nothing more than a SHOCKING practical joke? Is that OK? Have you had SHOCKING experiences in your life? How did you handle it? Did it open you up to trusting the universe or shut you down? Did the way you look at life change? Why? What does shamanistic experience mean to you? What does spirituality mean to you? How does it play out in your life? Would you like to tap into spirit? Is it possible to trust the universe?

Start small. Light a candle with a positive intention. Just keep an eye on that flame, OK?



The Sun has now traveled to Gate 21, THE TREASURER, CONTROL, or SELF REGULATION. In I-Ching, this hexagram is called BITING THROUGH. 

This is the energy for CONTROLLING resources so that we have what we need when we need it.

CONTROL is definitely part of the theme and it can play out as being overly CONTROLLING or it can play out as being CONTROLLED. The goal really is to find that balance in the middle and to understand the need for being in CONTROL can either come from a place of lack or a place of abundance. If it is coming from a place of lack, there can be a compulsive need to be in CONTROL to feel safe.

This energy is not intended to be directed towards our loved ones by the way. It is simply a wonderful skill that should be directed in a healthy manner towards protecting resources, not people.

If this week is your birthday and CONTROL is defined by the Sun at the time of your birth, embrace this talent for what it is. You are the ultimate TREASURER, taking care of the resources for the good of the many. That is a beautiful, necessary thing for humanity.

This is a great time to think about the theme of CONTROL plays out in your life. Are you good with money? Why not? Do you see the big picture and the need to CONTROL your resources for the future? How can you accomplish this for you and your loved ones? Do you trust that you are supported by the universe? Do you feel you deserve that support?

Are you CONTROLLING in general? Do you feel safe? Are you afraid to let go? Do you feel CONTROLLED by the people around you? Why? Does anyone really have CONTROL over anything? Do you find yourself trying to CONTROL the outcome of things only to be perpetually disappointed? What can you do to step back and realize that CONTROL in this context is an illusion?   

In truth, we are not in the driver seat of this life (thanks Ra). We get to be the passenger. Enjoy the ride or try to CONTROL it. The choice is yours.

I for one am working on not being a back seat driver.


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The Sun now moves into Gate 17, OPINIONS or ANTICIPATION. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called FOLLOWING. 

This is the energy for OPINIONS which are simply IDEAS are they not? You see, this energy is quick to form an OPINION about a matter and it can sometime be difficult to understand that this OPINION is meant to be fluid. Really, in the moment it is simply an impression. But people with this energy defined can get themselves into trouble if they think, 'nope, this is my OPINION and I'm sticking with it!'

OPINIONS are fantastic but this is energy from the mind after all. There is no way to truly know if the OPINION is correct until we have had the opportunity to tap into our inner AUTHORITY which, spoiler alert, is never located in the mind.

Even so, an OPINION is just the beginning of the experiment. Altering the experiment to fit the OPINION misses the point entirely. 

And of course I should mention one should wait for right timing to share their OPINIONS. This is what we call projected energy in Human Design, which means wait for an invitation to share. Otherwise, the person on the other end is hearing your OPINION whether they like it or not. You can see how there might be built in resistance to that scenario.

Do you tend to be absolutely certain about your OPINIONS? How do you react when a person has an OPINION different from yours? Are you open to discussion? Why not? Does your immediate HOT TAKE tend to bear out? Are you open to new information? Do you then change your OPINION? How does it feel when you encounter OPINIONATED folks? Do you tend to shut down around OPINIONATED people? Why? What would happen if you offered your OPINION? Do you take longer than others to form an OPINION? Is that bad?   

Everyone is entitled to an OPINION. As long as we understand it is probably just the beginning of the conversation. 



The Sun now moves into Gate 25, LOVE OF SPIRIT, also known as ACCEPTANCE or simply SPIRIT. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called INNOCENCE.

This is the energy of LOVE, plain and simple. When someone has this energy defined they are LOVE. This is not something that can be explained or taught. It just is and when you are in the presence of this aura, you feel love. There is also a life long lesson with this energy of letting go and ACCEPTING SPIRIT.

Maybe this is why this energy is so healing to others. People with this energy are natural healers and they quite literally heal others with LOVE.

It is so very difficult for people with this energy defined to witness cruelty. It is a shock to their INNOCENT nature and truly wounds them. But all they can do in response is embody LOVE. Others will either pick up on that energy or they won't. Which ties into the life long lesson of letting go and ACCEPTING that LOVE OF SPIRIT will prevail.

While this energy is transiting, think about how LOVING you are on a day to day basis. Do you approach strangers with the same LOVE in your heart you give to your LOVED ones? If not, why not? Do you in fact regularly approach your LOVED ones with LOVE in your heart? If not, what can you do to make this more of a habit? If we all made more of an effort to go about our daily lives with more LOVE in our heart, what could we accomplish as a collective?

My heart acknowledges the heart in you.       



The Sun now moves into Gate 36, CRISIS, also known as ADVENTURE or EXPLORATION. In the I-Ching, this hexagram is called THE DARKENING OF THE LIGHT. 

This is the energy for continually seeking new experiences, searching for that next ADVENTURE. The often lifelong lesson with this energy is to wait for clarity before jumping into that new experience. If not, the situation can easily become that new CRISIS. 

It is so difficult to tell someone with this energy defined to wait though. Many are almost pathologically afraid of being bored. But with wisdom, often earned the hard way, someone with this energy defined will come to appreciate the importance of waiting for clarity. But oh the ADVENTURE they will have along the way! 

There is also an innate desire here for mastery which can be a tricky thing if one is constantly dropping this to try that. That resistance and avoidance of an inkling of boredom can get in the way. This is not to say that someone with this energy defined is not accomplished. Experience is hard earned and that counts for something.

Are you constantly jumping into new fires without considering the consequences? Is that bad? Is it possible to wait for clarity? Are you afraid of boredom? Is it possible to not be bored if you stick with something? Do you quickly tire of new experiences? Are you a thrill seeker? Does that mean you’re brave or thoughtless? What is enough? Or do you resist the unknown? What would happen if you tried something you've never had the guts to try before? What can you do going forward to push yourself just a little bit out of your comfort zone? Is it OK to not push yourself out of your comfort zone and be happy with where you are?

With the patience to listen to your authority and wait for right timing, CRISIS becomes EXPLORATION.



The Sun has now moved to Gate 63, DOUBT, QUESTIONING, or CURIOSITY. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called AFTER COMPLETION.

On the one hand this is the energy of the ultimate critical thinker. Logic dictates we QUESTION the validity of a concept until we can definitively prove it in a practical manner. This is a good thing. If ever we needed critical thinking, it is now. 

On the other hand there can be a tendency with this energy for people to get locked into a cycle of SELF DOUBT, which is not good. This gift of the DOUBTING Thomas is simply not meant to be directed at oneself or at one's loved ones. This energy is not intended to paralyze us with SELF DOUBT and it is for sure not intended for us to DOUBT the people we love. 

But if this energy is directed in a positive way, it is an imperative part of humanity. This is the energy for the scientific method. 

What does it mean to be a critical thinker? What is the source? Where is the evidence? What exactly is the difference between something called fake news and an actual falsehood? What is news and what is propaganda? How can we know for sure? 

Are you giving yourself the credit you deserve? How can you have more faith in your own abilities? What if you actually do know what you're doing?

Are you giving your friends and family the benefit of the DOUBT they deserve? How can you trust them more and QUESTION them less? Can you see how being perpetually DOUBTED by someone you love can degrade the trust in a relationship? 

QUESTION everything but have faith in you and yours.  



The Sun has now moved into Gate 37, FRIENDSHIP, PEACE, or HARMONY. In I-Ching, this hexagram is called THE FAMILY.

This is tribal energy which is all about keeping the peace or striving towards HARMONY. It is part of the Channel called THE BARGAIN, so there is also an element of BARGAINING FOR PEACE and HARMONY.

People with this energy defined tend to be very invested in their relationships. In their minds, BARGAINS are made for quality, HARMONIOUS relationships. The other party in this equation may or may not be fully aware of this. So communication is key. There is a give and take to this energy that strives for balance and imbalance can be very upsetting. This is emotional energy after all. If someone with this definition feels they have done their part, they expect reciprocation. That said, these individuals are also very invested in keeping things peaceful and HARMONIOUS so they may not always communicate their dissatisfaction.

So if you have someone with this energy in your life, or even if you have it yourself in the 5th line, it is in your best interest to make sure you are adequately reciprocating and taking these unspoken BARGAINS with your loved ones very seriously. Otherwise, you may have a simmering problem on your hands with someone you care for deeply. Because if you’re lucky enough to have someone with this energy in your life, you are FAMILY to them.

Are your relationships HARMONIOUS? What can you do to bring more HARMONY and peace to your life? What does FRIENDSHIP mean to you? What do you expect from your FRIENDS? What do you expect from your FAMILY? Is it different? What do they expect from you? Are your FRIENDS your FAMILY?

What price are you willing to pay to keep the peace? What does it mean if you pay that price and things aren’t HARMONIOUS? When you meet your end of the BARGAIN and your loved one doesn’t, how does that make you feel? Are there consequences? Are you someone who gives as much as you take? Are you taking anyone for granted? Do you take care to make your relationships are balanced?

On a larger scale, what can we do as individuals to promote HARMONY in this tumultuous climate? How can we extend our hands in FRIENDSHIP to those with opposing views rather than push them away in judgment and distrust?

All things to consider with the energy of FRIENDSHIP, FAMILY, PEACE and HARMONY in transit during this week. 



The Sun is now transiting Gate 55 SPIRIT or FAITH. In I-Ching this hexagram is called ABUNDANCE.

This energy is about trusting that the universe will provide. 

A tricky pickle this. We are raised to believe we create our own wealth and abundance through hard work and determination. Trusting in SPIRIT however means letting go and allowing the abundance of the universe to provide what we need, when we need it.

Or not. As with all energy in the chart the keynote is a theme and in this case, ABUNDANCE is the theme whether it means totally lacking trust in SPIRIT and always scraping by OR trusting in SPIRIT to provide and appreciating the ABUNDANCE ever present in this life. This is the particular lesson someone with SPIRIT defined in their chart needs to learn. Because when you trust in SPIRIT, ABUNDANCE is magnetically drawn to you.

Easier said than done. SPIRIT you say? Many of us struggle with that concept alone. But no matter what you believe in, whether it be SPIRIT, GOD, the UNIVERSE, or CHAOS THEORY; for your own sanity you really must have faith that things will somehow work out for the best. Otherwise, why get up in the morning?

This Gate teaches us we will be rewarded for that faith.

Do you trust that things will work out? Or are you white knuckling this life, grasping at what you want, and feeling unlucky all the time? Do you have control? Why not? Do you have faith in SPIRIT? What would happen if you just let go? What would happen if you recognized and appreciated what you already have? Are you concentrating on what is lacking instead? Why? Do you believe the Universe is working for you or against you? Why? Are you lacking in ABUNDANCE? Are you sure? What exactly does ABUNDANCE mean to you? Is there enough ABUNDANCE to go around? If you are ABUNDANT does that mean someone else is not? Do you deserve ABUNDANCE in your life? Do you deserve to have SPIRIT looking out for you? Who does, if not you?

"[] if we don't have enough pie, we don't have to struggle to figure out how to slice it. We can just make more pies."  Karen Curry Parker

Trust you will always have everything you need to make more pie.


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The Sun has now moved into GATE 30, DESIRE, also known as INTENSITY or PASSION. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called CLINGING FIRE.

People with this energy are very INTENSE and it INTENSIFIES everything else in their chart. This is emotional, creative, passionate energy at its core so it is very important to wait for correct timing and clarity. Otherwise these INTENSE individuals can not only burn themselves out but also the people around them. CLINGING FIRE may well be intoxicating but it can also be all consuming. So the individual with this energy defined would do well, however INTENSELY they feel in the moment, to not only stop and seek emotional clarity before they act but also to read the room. Can people in that moment handle their INTENSITY and DESIRE?

By the way, this gate is part of the channel of FANTASY & DESIRE which is very potent, sexy energy in the right circumstances. Can we just take a moment to be amazed by the impeccable timing of the Human Design Mandala? Just in time for Valentine's Day here in the United States, we have the energy at our fingertips to experience INTENSITY and DESIRE. How perfect is that for bringing sexy back?

Valentine’s Day aside, what does the concept of DESIRE mean to you in your every day life? Do you generally experience things in an INTENSE way? How does that make you feel? Do you sometimes come on too strong? Is it possible to take a moment to read the room before you react? Do you have someone in your life that is a bit too much? Why? Do you love that about them? Is it hard for you to allow yourself to truly DESIRE the things you want? Why? Do you find having a strong DESIRE for what you want helps you or hinders you in obtaining it? Why? Is it bad to not let anything deter you from getting what you DESIRE?

Is it not a beautiful gift to have an PASSIONATE nature that other people could only hope to approach?



The Sun is now in Gate 49, REVOLUTION, PRINCIPLES, or THE CATALYST. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called REVOLUTION.

This is the energy to determine the PRINCIPLES of intimacy and if those PRINCIPLES are crossed, the result will be a REVOLUTION. Gate 49 is part of the Channel of LOVE & MARRIAGE and it is indeed wonderful energy for marriage if, and that is a big if, each partner holds up their end of the PRINCIPLES defined in the relationship.

Someone with this energy defined takes their vows very seriously. So seriously in fact if their partner fails to keep those vows, they will walk away from the relationship without a second thought. Hence the term REVOLUTION. This is why this gate is also sometimes called the DIVORCE gate. Keep in mind, once the REVOLUTIONARY act has taken place, there is often no turning back.

If you have this energy defined or if someone you love has this energy defined, it is imperative that the PRINCIPLES of the relationship be clearly defined and that both partners fully understand the terms. Do both parties understand the ramifications if these PRINCIPLES are not kept? 

Have you established clear PRINCIPLES for your relationships? What is acceptable behavior for you and what is not? What are the deal breakers? Do you effectively communicate these terms to your loved ones? Does your partner seem baffled when you are fed up with their actions? Do you find yourself in trouble with your loved ones and you are not clear why? What PRINCIPLES have you crossed?

Take advantage of the energy of this transit over the next five days to consider, what are my terms? What is acceptable and not acceptable in my relationship? Does my partner know these limits? How does my relationship fair when compared to these PRINCIPLES? Is it time for a REVOLUTION? Or are you pleased with the respect shown to the boundaries and limits that have been established?

If you have a history of suddenly walking away from important relationships you might find it helpful to take stock. How clear were you with your expectations? Did they have any clue? After all, no game is fair unless everyone knows the rules.

But if they did know the rules, all’s fair. Walking away is indeed a REVOLUTIONARY act of self care and self respect.



The sun has moved into Gate 13, THE LISTENER or NARRATIVE. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called THE FELLOWSHIP OF MAN. 

This is the energy for creating the space for other people's stories. At its best, this energy also intuitively provides the direction people need in the process. THE LISTENER doesn't have much choice in the matter really. People find themselves compelled to share their innermost thoughts with a person who has this energy defined.  

I have this energy defined in my chart and this is a phenomena that has happened to me all my life. I'm that person at a party who finds themselves in a corner with a new acquaintance, listening to their most private secrets. I've had strangers tell me about being abused by their boyfriends. I've had strangers confess their confusion about their sexual preferences. Instead of the usual trope I’ll sit at a bar and find myself listening to the bartender's problems and giving them advice. It isn't something I seek out or request. It just seems to happen. Of course for me it is unconscious energy in line 2 so the energy is generally called out.

Folks with conscious definition might knowingly avail themselves as a LISTENER. They are instinctively aware of the sanctity of people’s stories. In fact, I could see this energy being very helpful for the reporter or documentary filmmaker who is seeking to record people’s stories for prosperity. This energy will naturally create the space for a therapist to be trusted with their client’s innermost thoughts. This is the gift of THE LISTENER. 

Do people feel compelled to share with you? Is that good? Is that bad? Why not? Do you feel drained by other people’s stories? Do other people’s stories fill you with energy? Is there someone in your life with whom you tell everything? Why? Do you trust them? Why? Is it because they hold space for your story? Do you like LISTENING to people? Do you lack the patience to LISTEN to other people? How can you be more open to experiencing what other people are going through? Should you? Why not? Are we not here on this earth to be heard? By whom?

Are you willing to LISTEN?


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The Sun has now moved into Gate 19, WANTING, also known as INTIMACY or ATTUNEMENT. In I-Ching, this hexagram is called APPROACH.

This energy is highly SENSITIVE on every level. SENSITIVE to touch, SENSITIVE to energy, and SENSITIVE to feelings. Most importantly, people with this energy defined are highly SENSITIVE to other people's needs. They can truly experience real INTIMACY with other people. Or not. The theme is played out either way.   

Many people with this energy defined also have very SENSITIVE skin. Scratchy material simply will not be endured. People with this energy defined are often extremely SENSITIVE children who are crushed by a stern word directed at them or anyone else. A light hand is necessary for these SENSITIVE souls. They may also have a great affinity for animals and find them very comforting.

Has anyone ever told you to stop being so SENSITIVE? How did that make you feel? Is being SENSITIVE a sign of weakness? Does trying to toughen someone up work? Do you take pride in seeming tough when inside you’re raw and vulnerable? How does that work for you? Is being SENSITIVE to other people’s needs a bad thing? Is it a good thing? Why not? Is it a sign of strength to allow yourself to be SENSITIVE? Is it possible that SENSITIVITY to the environment and the people around you is a gift? How can this gift be of use to you and others? What if being vulnerable creates the opportunity for connection? Is it possible to allow yourself to be SENSITIVE to other people's needs as well as your own? Is it possible to protect yourself at the same time in a balanced way?

Why not embrace your inner snowflake and connect?         



The sun has now moved to Gate 41, FANTASY, also known as IMAGINATION. In the I-Ching this hexagram is called DECREASE. 

Gate 41 marks the start of the Human Design year.

People with FANTASY defined in their chart may find themselves lost in various versions of their life and they sometimes fail to mention these scenarios to the other people involved. Needless to say hilarity ensues. They may also find themselves to be the object of someone else's FANTASY because all of these energies go both ways.

These individuals have the unique ability to creatively IMAGINE various outcomes in their lives. But people with this energy defined should be careful to not act on these FANTASIES. It's important to sit back and wait for right timing. The FANTASY seems very real and actionable but it is internal thought and therefore not privy to most people’s authority. The very act of IMAGINING however can energetically create the opportunities they seek.

What does this mean for you? Well isn't it also grand to now have access to the power for FANTASY when you are thinking about the new year? Allow yourself to really go there in your mind and IMAGINE all the various outcomes of your choices right now. Let your mind go wild and then simply relax and let it go. This just might draw some pretty spectacular opportunities your way.

Otherwise what does FANTASY mean to you? Does it bother you when other people seem lost in FANTASY? Are you someone who allows yourself to FANTASIZE about your life? Why not? Do you imagine the day ahead in every permutation? Do you get set on one specific outcome? How does that work out for you? What about in the bedroom? Do you find it fun to play out your FANTASIES? Do your FANTASIES seem real to you? Do people swear you’ve made commitments to them when you have no idea what they are talking about? Do you feel betrayed when someone you love fails to act out your FANTASY of your relationship?

What if your shared your FANTASIES with the people in your life?



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The Sun has now moved into Gate 60, ACCEPTANCE, RESOURCEFULNESS, or CONSERVATION. In the I-Ching this energy is called LIMITATION.  

There is a bit of a mixed message with this energy. On one hand, it is coming from a place of holding on to old ways of doing things. On the other hand, this energy does want to innovate. It is indeed mutative. But only in a way that is respectful to the old ways and carries the wisdom of why the old ways work.

So this energy is ACCEPTING the LIMITS of the traditional foundation in a RESOURCEFUL manner that moves toward innovation. This is methodical innovation. In other words, don’t fix what isn’t broken; respectfully, methodically improve it.

People with this energy can be perceived as stuck in their ways and, without awareness, there can be a tendency to be a bit fixed about things. But this is the person who will be the voice of reason in the room when we enthusiastically want change for changes sake. They will hold the process back until they are sure the change is in fact necessary and is indeed an improvement.

Innovation is important, but one must be careful to first do no harm.

So what does this concept of ACCEPTANCE mean to you? Are you someone who hates change? Why? Do you strive for innovation in everything you do? Why not? How RESOURCEFUL are you when it comes to implementing change? Are you the type to throw everything out out the door and start completely over? Or are you able to ACCEPT the things that cannot change yet RESOURCEFULLY implement improvements? Does tradition make you feel safe? Does innovation make you feel unsafe? How can you improve what you have and work within the existing limitations without throwing the good parts out?

Innovation is great. Just try not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.